

CRCnetBase西文學術電子書 http://www.crcnetbase.com

CRC Press隸屬於Taylor & Francis Group。CRCnetBase平台收錄超過8,000多本具權威且專業性的電子書、參考書及手冊,超過40多個科學科技主題套裝,內容同時包含理論和應用方面的資訊,所涵蓋的領域包含:機械工程、土木工程、環境工程、化學、材料科學、聚合物、經濟學、商業管理、資訊技術、網路安全、食品科學、數學、統計學、軍事、神經醫學、藥學、奈米技術、公共管理、植物學…等。在全球許多的學術與法人機構都已採用這個強大搜尋平台所提供的服務。

CRC Press and CRCnetBASE are part of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Company. CRCnetBASE is made up of over 8000 online books that span over 40 disciplines. In addition to e-books published under the imprint CRC Press, CRCnetBASE also includes online references from Auerbach and Chapman & Hall. The powerful research platform has been adopted throughout the world at academic and corporate institutions.

De Gruyter西文學術電子書 https://www.degruyter.com/

超過260年的歷史,在人文自然科學界中De Gruyter出版社的名稱即同義於高優質與劃時代的出版,領域包括有神學、生物學與化學、語言學與文學、數學與物理、歷史與考古、以及法律與醫學,始終堅定與卓越的學者合作而成為國際型的出版社。De Gruyter已電子化有50,000種書籍,每年新約1,300冊。全文格式為PDF,另存檔案、列印或複製的頁數與篇數皆無限制。

The independent academic publisher De Gruyter can look back at a company history of over 260 years. Today, the De Gruyter group publishes over 1,300 new titles each year in the humanities, STM and law, more than 650 subscription based or Open Access journals, and a variety of digital products. The company is headquartered in Berlin, with offices in Basel, Beijing, Boston and Munich.Under its umbrella brand De Gruyter, the company runs the imprints of De Gruyter Akademie Forschung, Birkhäuser, De Gruyter Mouton, De Gruyter Open, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, and De Gruyter Saur.

JSTOR電子書 只收最好 一如初衷 http://www.jstor.org

JSTOR書子書以收錄知名大學出版社書籍為特色,人文社會及科學科技二大系列選自普林斯頓大學出版社(Princeton University Press)、加利尼亞大學出版社(University of California Press)及明尼蘇達大學出版社(University of Minnesota Press)…等。人文社會系列主題包含:種族、性別、歷史、政治、社會、文化…;科學科技系列主題有:生物科學、健康科學、環境科學、資訊工程及技術和管理…等等。整合電子期刊與電子書的平台,讓使用者在最熟悉的JSTOR平台,享受高品質及連線最穩定的頂尖大學出版品。

Books at JSTOR offers over 20,000 ebooks from renowned scholarly publishers, integrated with journals and primary sources on JSTOR's easy-to-use platform. Essential content: Titles in disciplines such as business, economics, and the humanities from key publishers—Princeton University Press, Yale University Press, MIT Press, and more unlimited, DRM-free access option: 13,500+ titles available in an unlimited-user model, allowing unlimited downloading and printing of DRM-free chapters.

World Scientific西文學術電子書 http://www.worldscientific.com

世界科技出版社(World Scientific Publishing Company)於1981年由兩位諾貝爾得主C N Yang及Abdus Salam創立,公司總部設立於新加坡,WS經過近三十年的成長,躍上國際科技出版業的舞台,已成為國際科技出版業的龍頭之一,而且是亞太地區規模最大的科技出版公司,每年出版450本書籍及125期刊,領域包括工程學, 醫學, 資訊科技, 環境科學, 管理科學。隨時掌握最新科學研究發展動向,提供最熱門的資訊給使用者。

World Science and Technology Press (World Scientific Publishing Company) was founded in 1981 by two Nobel laureate, CN Yang and Abdus Salam. The company’s headquarter is located in Singapore, after nearly three decades of growth, it has became as one of the world's leading academic publishers and the largest international scientific publisher in the Asia-Pacific region. It now publishes more than 450 books and 125 journals a year in various fields of science, technology, medicine, business, economics and keep abreast of the latest scientific developments, provide the most popular information to the user.

SAGE人文社會西文學術電子書 http://sk.sagepub.com/books

SAGE knowledge(SAGE知識庫)是專為研究社會科學領域學者所設計電子書庫,超過4200多種的書籍,包含著名的SAGE Reference(參考書籍)以及SAGE Book(一般書籍)兩個系列,類型包括參考書籍、百科全書、手冊、學術專論、叢書以及專業發展文獻等等不同內容。 傑出主題:教育評鑑、初教早教特教、成人繼續教育、教材教具發展、社會議題、跨文化研究、婦女與性別研究、社工、消費者研究、研究方法、統計與評鑑、組織研究、應用心理學與評估、大眾媒體、政治傳播、人際與商業傳播、比較政治、美國研究、區域研究、城市研究、福利經濟學、犯罪司法、矯正與刑罰、家庭暴力等專門領域。 SAGE致力於最高品質的教學和研究材料,為作者、編輯、讀者在學術承先啟後、挑戰性和前瞻研究滿足各種機構教學的需求。

SAGE Knowledge is the ultimate social sciences online library for students and researchers at all levels—undergraduates, post-graduates, teachers, and professors. With over 4,400 award-winning titles from SAGE Books, SAGE Reference, CQ Press, and Corwin, the platform offers an interdisciplinary social science book and reference titles published from 1994 to the current day with annual frontlist upgrades.

Thieme Clinical Collections 體驗Thieme的臨床資源 http://www.thieme.com/tcc/


此外,套裝的特色主題圖書還包含了骨科、外科、耳鼻喉科、聽力學、神經學、內科、眼科…等等。 全彩的插圖、臨床圖片、高解析度放射影像都已經收錄在電子版中。套裝中的每一本書悠關著Thieme的聲譽,我們認真、品質把關的出版品,供應醫學領域使用者面對眾多的知識需求、臨床挑戰!

Thieme Clinical Collections provide online access to Thieme's renowned book program in clinical medicine and is available to purchase on a perpetual access & ownership licensing model.

The Collections contain an extensive assortment of E-Books carefully selected to provide the students, researchers, and clinicians at your institution with thorough coverage of all major medical fields. Each title is representative of Thieme's commitment to the highest standard of quality in the content and presentation of all of its products.

The Collections reflect Thieme's status as a global market leader in many specialties including neurosurgery, radiology and dentistry, and include a variety of co-publications with the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, one of the foremost professional societies in the field.

In addition the Collections feature an impressive selection of titles in orthopaedic surgery, otolaryngology, audiology, neurology, internal medicine, ophthalmology, and more.

Full-color illustrations, clinical photographs, and high-resolution radiographs enhance the books throughout. Every title in the Collections is representative of Thieme's reputation for publishing practical, lavishly illustrated references that supply clinicians with the focused guidance they need to tackle the multitude of challenging situations they face every day.